Kuro no Maou
Kuro no Maou is a Web Novel series written by Hishi Kage Dairi and Illustrated by Morino Hiro. This series has 576 Web Novel Chapters and 5 Volumes LN released. You can get Kuro no Maou PDF in here.Description
Kurono Mao is a high school student who is sensitive of his sharp eyes and bad expression. No girlfriend but gifted with friends in his own way, he had been living a peaceful life.
But one day, without any reason, Kurono was attacked by a mysterious headache while in the literature clubroom and fainted. When he finally awoke…Swords & magic, filled with monsters, an orthodox different world summoning.
Volume 2 - Everyday Life in a Different World [PDF]But one day, without any reason, Kurono was attacked by a mysterious headache while in the literature clubroom and fainted. When he finally awoke…Swords & magic, filled with monsters, an orthodox different world summoning.
Series Information:
- Alternate name: The Black Demon King
- Type: Web Novel (JP)
- Author: Hishi Kage Dairi
- Illustrator: Morino Hiro
- Genre: Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Harem Mature Psychological Romance Seinen Supernatural Tragedy
- Status: Ongoing 579 Chapters++
- Translator Site: Entruce Translations & Light Novel Bastion
- Novelupdates.
List of Volumes:
Volume 1 - The White Laboratory [PDF]Volume 3 - Arrival of Crusaders [PDF]
Volume 4 - Omen of Destructions [PDF]
Volume 5 - Irz in Flame [PDF]
Volume 6 - Towards Spada [PDF]
Volume 7 - Counter-attack Preparations [PDF]
Volume 8 - Alsace Defensive Battle [PDF]
Volume 9 - The 6th of the Month of Hatsubi [PDF]
Volume 10 - The Demon King and The Hero [PDF]
Volume 11 - Rank 1 Adventurer [PDF]
Volume 12 - Royal Spada Academy [PDF]
Volume 13 - Roar of Red Rage [PDF]
Volume 14 - A Witch Never Loves [PDF]
Volume 15 - Student of Spada [PDF]
Volume 16 - Angels and Devils [PDF]
Volume 17 - Fourteen Days [PDF]
That's it, i hope you enjoy this Kuro no Maou Web Novel PDF series.