Ryuuou or Ryuoh no Oshigoto is a Japanese Light Novel series written by Shirou Shiratori and illustrated by Shirabi.
The story is about a teenage boy,Kuzuryuu Yaichi, who happens to be a shogi master. One day, a nine-year-old girl, Hinatsuru Ai, turns up at his house, announcing that she will take him as her disciple. From there, all kinds of wacky hijinks ensue.
The series is ongoing with currently 5 released volumes, published since September 2015.
Synopsis Ryuoh no Oshigoto
16 year old Yaichi Kuzuryuu, the strongest champion in the history of the Shogi, the ‘Ryuuou’, is stuck at home when he was visited by the 9 year old girl Ai Hinazuru. For what purpose is she aiming to be his ‘disciple’?? Furthermore, for some strange reasons, they’re living together!!Series Information
- Title: Ryuuou no Oshigoto, りゅうおうのおしごと!
- Type: Light Novel
- Author: Shirou Shiratori
- Illustrator: Shirabi
- Genre: Comedy Harem Lolicon Sports
- Rating: 4.1 / 5.0
- Year: 2015
- Status: 5 Volumes (Ongoing)
- Publisher: N/A
- Translator: Teh Ping
- Baka-tsuki page
- Novelupdates page
Translator Note
There is a need to understand the rules of shogi if you want to follow what is going on. I'll put some translation notes to explain moves from time to time, so for the time being, please read this page before starting on the series.Download Link
Here is the download link for Ryuuou no Oshigoto PDF and EPUB.Ryuuou no Oshigoto Volume 1 EPUB
That's it. I hope you enjoy Ryuuou no Oshigoto series.